Hi Friends & Followers. If you are reading this then there is a solid chance you are one of "my people" ;-) You know the ones.....creatives who appreciate the unusually beautiful things in life. Our view of the world is a little bit different and that makes life SO MUCH FUN! I don't typically post about myself on here but once a year, I like to share some personal details and ask you to do the same! I really want to get to know you, what you like and what we have in common. While it's obvious that I photograph Weddings all over the Midwest including Kansas City and St. Louis, there are a few things that you might not suspect about me....

1) I was born in Winnipeg, MB Canada and lived there until I turned 19.
My immediate family still lives there.
2) I've been to Japan, Puerto Rico, Germany, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and many more that I can't currently remember.

3) Above most things in life, I value honesty, loyalty and kindness
4) I support Sustainable Clothing and am an avid recycler of food packaging (I buy the majority of my clothes from Thred Up. If you haven't looked into this company, it will rock your world!).
5) I don't eat meat, dairy, avocado, egg or gluten. Basically, I'm a vegan who still eats fish and shrimp! Some of my meals come from Hungry Root . Since we have food allergies in our house and we both run businesses, a meal kit plan really saves us A LOT of time (not necessarily money though). If you want a little giggle, check out this vintage cooking video I made back in the day when I was still eating chicken.
6) My Grandfather had 14 siblings (ironically, most of the women married American men like myself). I have relatives all over Canada and the US.
7) I have a Cat Child named Mia. I would say she's my everything except....I also have an awesome Husband and Nephew.
8) My Husband and I have been together for almost 6 years (it will be 6 years in 3 days). We were both not in great places when we met but we have grown so much together and learned a lot from one another. He is a large reason why I do what I do. He has encouraged me and taught me what it means to be an entrepreneur and how to run a business. Also...he gives the best cuddles and hugs!
I hope this helps you feel just a little bit closer to me. Drop some facts about YOU in the comments so I can get to know you better too!

Scroll all the way down to the comments section and Tell Me:
Where are you from?
Where have you travelled to?
What do you value most in life?
What causes do you believe in?
Favorite Foods?
What's something cool about your family?
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